Research and teaching in animal physiology

At the ETH Zurich as well as at the University of Zurich research and teaching in Animal Physiology is ongoing.

Research focal points at AgroVet-Strickhof

  • Basics of Reproduction in dairy cattle
  • Environmental impacts on reproduction (nutrition, environment, stress)
  • Comparative physiology of reproduction in cattle, horses, pigs and wildlife
  • Livestock Behavior
  • Animal Health

Prof. Susanne E. Ulbrich

Institute for Agricultural Sciences, Tierphysiologie, ETH Zürich

The professorship at the ETH Zurich (since September 2013) concentrates on the following focal points:

Prof. Heinrich Bollwein

Klinik für Reproduktionsmedizin, Vetsuisse Faculty, Universität Zürich

The professorship at the University of Zurich (since February 2012) concentrates on the following focal points:

  • Andrology and assisted reproduction
  • Udders and teats
  • Obstetrics
  • Gynaecology
  • Reproduction of small animals
  • Neonatology

PD Dr. Stefan Bauersachs

Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Functional Genomics Group, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich

Since June 2017, PD Dr. Stefan Bauersachs has been working at the University of Zurich on the following topics:

  • Recognition and establishment of pregnancy
  • Embryo/gamete – maternal communication
  • Extracellular vesicles as a new mechanism of embryo-maternal communication
  • Common and species-specific molecular mechanisms of establishment of pregnancy
  • Uterine microbiome
  • Fertility and stress biomarkers

Research and teaching in animal welfare

Teaching and research in this area of expertise is covered by the professorship of Prof. Susanne E. Ulbrich.